Monday, March 25, 2013

On the right track choo choo lol

Hello world. Remember me? Yea it has been forever. So many things have happened since i last wrote back in October. I pushed a few people out of my life and got closer to others. I've met a few more, some that continue to influence my life in a positive way & others who are a constant reminder as to why i choose to be single. On a previous post, i wrote about a woman's desire for the "bad boys." Not sure if i went into details but truth is, i had my bad boy lingering around & i could not be anymore grateful that that association is done. A few months ago, i got slapped with reality that i should not lower my standards, i should not settle, and that i NEED to stop being so nice to the people who can't even show they care about you. Although it hurt to lose that friendship, it was not healthy & taught me yet another lesson. As my motto goes, no regrets just lessons. I wasted a year and a half with someone who i wasn't even dating & at the end he just turned out to be cruel and inconsiderate. Not exactly the guy i had first met. After that was done, i decided to go on a few dates & after being catered to a few times, i realized i needed to be single lol. In a course of 2 months, i went on so many dinner dates it wasn't even funny. I was exhausted to be honest haha. Before this year, my desire was to find that ONE guy that i could share everything with. A best friend, a lover, that person that could always crack my smile, push me to success and bring out the best in me. It's always nice to have that one guy but i realized I'm still young and have a whole life to live. I always said i wouldn't settle down till i accomplished my goals and i drifted off for a little but I'm back on track. Right now at 24, i love the life I'm living but I'm not ready to settle down, get married and have kids. No no, till I'm close to my goal salary (100k), or realistically at least half of that, I'm not ready to settle. The right guy will come along without forcing anything. Nature will take its course and hey, maybe i already met him and God is just molding him into the man i want but i won't know till later. Hopefully things work out in my favor but you never know. I could probably trip at the mall later, have some stranger catch me at the escalator & next thing we know, we're saying our "I Do's" lol. Life has a funny way of showing things and teaching us lessons. One thing is for sure, I'm not rushing into anything besides working on myself and this business proposition i came across. It's me time.

Until next time world!

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