Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hey world,

So i went out last night with some friends, had a good time and i met this guy. I didn't bother giving him my number even tho he seemed like a good guy. All the girls were saying that he was cute and we looked cute together...hmm. So I'm sitting on my bed waiting for my sis to get ready so we can leave to the mall and it hits me....Why do we girls go for the badboys? Is it the chase? Is it the swag? Or are do we simply enjoy being treated as if we're not that important? Yesss women are confusing (i speak for myself) but why do we let a good thing slide by and focus on the guy thats just keeping us around for the moment? In reality, no girl will ever truly have a legit answer because even the answers we give sound stupid. Here comes the player guy, swagged out, got the right words, buys us a drink, makes us smile and in the back of our heads we know this guy is playing games but yet we STILL AGREE to give him our number!!! Smh! Guilty:) lol. I met this one guy and he kept flirting with me, i knew he was playing games but i continued to flirt and we were gonna meet up but funny thing is, the night that we were suppose to chill, he never answered. I went out with my girl and shockingly i ran into this dude. HE WAS WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!! So why did i get upset when i knew what this guy was about? We're attracted to the bad boys! Is it because we know that at some point this bad guy was a good guy till he got screwed over by an ex? Girls are assholes too (Guilty once again). I had something good but to me, it wasn't good enough so i let it go. Broke their heart but you can't force yourself to be with a good guy if you're not happy. Sorry...drifting into another post...I'm just saying tho. Where were we...oh yea there's this guy, i won't mention any names but he's such an asshole to me. He admits to it too so why do i keep him around!?? He's not worth the trouble. He's a good friend and has helped me out a lot but i don't think i deserve his treatment. A few weeks ago i decided i wouldnt let him get to me anymore and I'm sticking to that. I don't wanna argue with anyone and i only want positive vibes around me. So i leave you with this, if a guy is treating you like you're just another girl or he's not respecting you( even if he says he's kidding, there's a boundary), ask yourself...."Is this guy truly worth the trouble?" Is it worth putting you down, making you feel low and chasing after him constantly? Is it? I mean really. I'm not saying drop him and never speak to him again but keep him at a distance. Keeping him too close will keep that good guy from approaching you :)

I hope this post helps someone out and hopefully no guy or girl got offended. The same goes for "badgirls." This is Jeanette Funes speaking her mind and if you know me, you know I'm a bit blunt.

I wish you good luck if you're going through something similar...

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