Sunday, December 5, 2010

To move or not to move. That is the question.

Yea so i seriously do not know what to do anymore! I have a good opportunity in gettin good cash if i move to texas for a few months during tax season but i really don't wanna leave NY. Another thing, my dad is making it hard for me because he won't give me MY car to go there and i need one! If i stay in NY, i can't stay living at my uncle's house for long so i need a place. I was offered a place in Queens where i can pay $300 a month, the only problem is...i have a temp job now and it's gonna end in Jan so what if i don't find a job in Jan. I'll be screwed not being able to pay rent! Ughh what should i do???? One thing is for sure...i refuse to move back into my parents house. I can't do it. I promised  myself i wouldn't and i'm honestly not happy there. Certain ppl are always concerned about judging others instead of looking at themselves in the mirror. I also never seem to satisfy my parents no matter what i do. I think for now i'll just do what i feel is better which....i'm not sure what that is yet=( any ideas??

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