Sunday, December 12, 2010

No Regrets, Just Lessons !

My new motto ! It's hard to accept the things you cannot change. You can't go back in time to redo things and to avoid them from happening. If only we could...that would be amazing but we would all take advantage of it. Things would be perfect but we probably wouldn't learn any lessons. I've made my mistakes and i've learned from each of them. I've learned to accept my past but i hate when people bring it up and try to judge me for it. I'm not perfect, nobody is. I've just made more mistakes than others but i have not repeated any cause i learned. If i could go back in time, hell yea i'd change a few but i can't. I try to leave my past in the past and not involve it with my present. I don't like bringing it up and don't ask me about it. If i feel comfortable enough then i'll fill you in on a little but it's my life. I should write a book lol. I've had a pretty dramatic yet amazing life and this is only the start. I have many more lessons to learn:) I know parents give us advice to keep us from making the same mistakes they did but not everyone learns by seeing other ppl's issues and seeing how they overcame it. Some ppl need to actually experience it and i'm one of those. I need to feel it so i can learn. It's like when i was little and my dad would tell me not to do something. I would do it again and again until he actually yelled at me the 3rd time. Thats when i learned not to do it:) Yes... hardheaded i know. I could of avoided the yelling if i had listened the first time but i didn't want to. I am now almost 22 and trying to stable myself and I know not everyone is happy with my decisions but let me learn ! I know i can easily go back home, make EVERYONE happy and be blessed but will i truly be happy? NOPE! I wasn't happy and i needed to breath and i needed something new. I just want ppl to respect my decisions instead of trying to bring me down and tell me i'll suffer the consequences. I know i have it coming but just hop off and let me learn!!!!!!

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