Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 A New Year

Hello world, yes i know I haven't written in 9 months, thanks for the reminder. I don't have a specific topic so i'll just let my mind do the talking. Well I've been in a relationship for almost 7 months with a Vietnamese guy, yea who would have ever thought i had yellow fever!? haha. He's great, treats me good and I'm happy with him but like in every relationship, you have your down moments. I can't tell you that he's "the one" but i can say that I'm happy with him right now and i'm just trying to take it one day at a time. I'm about to turn 25 next month!! A quarter of a century as they say. So many things going through my head. Sometimes i feel like i'm running out of time. My family keeps asking, "when are you getting married?" "when are you having kids?" .... pause! I'm not ready for kids, i don't think i want any. Marriage...i do want it eventually but i want to find the right guy and have no doubt in my mind that he's the one i'm meant to be with.
I left Toshiba last August, went to work for Xylem for 30 days and landed another job at BAF as a Buyer. It's incredible how in that transition i went up $22k in salary. You have no idea the feeling i got, kind of like winning the lottery. I moved to downtown Dallas so i can scratch that off my bucket list. I love living so close to the city and it's basically a dream come true...almost. Well i don't know what else to write at the moment and i'm at work so let me get back to work and you'll hear from me in a few months.

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